Meet Smallchat

Connect with your visitors quickly and conveniently through the power of Slack threads.

Published in
3 min readApr 18, 2017


Web chat + Slack

Smallchat is an easy-to-use Slack integration for chatting with visitors on your site. With the Smallchat widget anyone on your site can ask questions, and you can respond directly from Slack, turning visitors into potential customers through real-time interactions.

Smallchat runs in a channel on your team’s Slack account, and every conversation you have with a visitor creates a new thread in that channel. Using threads keeps your Slack free of channel clutter while helping you stay on top of any new messages with Slack’s built-in thread notifications and management.

Adding a chat platform to your site shouldn’t mean logging into an extra piece of software to respond to customers. Instead, make the tools you’re already using work harder for you.

Built for everybody

There are a lot of great chat platforms out there. Smallchat is different in one important way: we built it for the little guys. The freelancer. The local business. The small team launching a project on ProductHunt. That means we have a free tier with no limits on the number of visitors, conversations, contacts, or operators. Your bill shouldn’t go up if your site gets a wave of traffic or a new member joins your team.

How it works

Add Smallchat to your Slack team like you would any Slack integration. From there you’ll be taken to your team’s Smallchat dashboard, where you’ll create your first channel, i.e.acme-support. Then just paste the embed script anywhere in the body of your site’s HTML.

(If you’re using a CMS like Squarespace or Wordpress, look for an inject script option and add it there.)

That’s all you need. You’re ready to chat! :) You can customize your chat widget, set auto messages and offline hours at any time, and your widget will update automatically.

Thanks for reading! Smallchat’s just getting started, so leave a comment if you have any ideas, or stop by and chat with us. 👋



A small design and development studio building products in Greenville, SC.